Crowdfunding Effort Supports Basic Health Kits
Konbit launched its first post to the crowdfunding site in later May. A video described a need in the rural areas for community health workers (ajan sante) to be equipt with basic health kits to address preventable diseases in the area. Funding from the local State Clinic is not always dependable, and such needs are always present. For $100 a week, the ajan sante can procure aqua tabs for water purification, salt tablets for rehydration, condoms for prevention of STDs and HIV/AIDS, and hand soap to support the need for hygiene. It is not uncommon for the ajan sante to visit – through meetings or house/family visits – 500 people a week.
Our goal was to provide enough funds — between $4,000 and $5,000 — to support the local procurement of the health kits for one year. Konbit raised $4,575.00 through the kind contributions of 55 donors. This includes several donors who donated to the effort but not through the website. Thanks to all of you who responded to this call for help. The ajan sante will now be able to assist in preventing diseases among those who are isolated from the support of any health providers.